Friday, October 30, 2015

Dick's Story - Male Nude Pic Blog Entry - Daylight Savings

Someone told us we're supposed to "set our cocks back one hour" this weekend, so we've been trying to figure out how to do that.  On an unrelated note, I think "Big Timmy" is starting to lose his hearing...

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Dick's Story - Male Nude Pic Blog Entry - Clothespins

Helpful hint:  when hanging your laundry to dry, this makes for an ideal place to store your clothespins until you are ready for them!  The more you know...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dick's Story - Male Nude Pic Blog Entry - Choking It

The economy's been so bad lately, we've had to make some cut-backs and start doing things for ourselves.  For instance, "Big Timmy" can't even afford to pay somebody to choke him anymore...