Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dick's Story - Male Nude Pic Blog Entry - Hanging Around

As a male dick, I spend a lot of my time just “hanging around”.  I know that probably seems like a stupid joke to you, but it's actually considered quite hilarious to us dicks!


Monday, February 23, 2015

Dick's Story - Male Nude Pic Blog Entry - Introduction

Hi there!  My name is “Timmy”.  I’m a dick.  Here’s my picture.  See that the sign is pointing to me?  My human to whom I’m forever attached to is also called “Timmy”.  He also gets called “a dick” a lot.  So it can be difficult at times to tell which one of us people are talking to.  For purposes of this blog, I (the penis) will be called "Little Timmy" and my human will be called "Big Timmy".
